YOSA musicians go on to perform in the world’s finest orchestras and music ensembles. They are found as teachers in conservatories and universities across the United States and abroad. They go on to become community leaders, doctors, lawyers, business professionals and entrepreneurs. The YOSA experience gives young musicians from all backgrounds the skills to succeed in whatever their future holds. No matter what path YOSA musicians follow when they leave us, we want to make it as easy as possible for YOSA alumni to stay in touch with their musical roots.
YOSA Alumni: Where are you?
We love to hear updates from YOSA alumni! If you played in a San Antonio youth orchestra, we’d like to get to know you. Please introduce yourself and share your stories by completing the Alumni Information Form. This form will help YOSA to create more detailed and accurate records of its history and to hear your memories. In addition, tell us what you are up to now and stay up to date on current YOSA events!
Alumni Reunion
Each year YOSA alumni gather to reconnect and make a little music. Special guest conductors and YOSA Music Director, Troy Peters, lead a reading session with alums (optional). Bring your instrument and play some popular orchestral works alongside fellow YOSA alumni, or leave your instrument at home and enjoy listening to the orchestra and catching up with old friends.