Ways to Give
Supporters of YOSA help change kids’ lives through music. Donations from individuals, businesses, foundations, and other contributors ensure that YOSA music education services are equally accessible to all youth in San Antonio.
Individual Giving
Sustained giving increases your impact without the hassle of making multiple donations. Sign up for a recurring donation and your gift will be automatically processed every month. You may cancel your sustained giving plan at any time.
Make a one-time donation to YOSA. All donations make a difference. Donations may be made online, over the phone, or by mail.
Other Ways to Donate
Matching Gifts
Many companies will match charitable contributions made by their employees. To amplify the impact of your gift, please ask your employer if they offer a matching gift program. Below is a partial list of major San Antonio employers who will match their employees’ charitable donations.
Don’t see your company listed? Please ask your employer about their matching gift program and email development@yosa.org to add them to this list.
Argo Group Boeing Fidelity Marathon USAA Wells Fargo
Payroll Deduction
Some companies have programs permitting employees to make gifts to designated charities through scheduled payroll deductions. Please ask your employer whether this simple and convenient method of giving is available for you.
In-Kind Donations
YOSA gratefully accepts in-kind gifts of many types: professional services, meals for YOSA musicians, silent auction items, musical instruments, and more. All such gifts are fully acknowledged following IRS regulations.
Legacy Giving (Planned Giving)
The simplest way to support YOSA through a legacy gift is to include YOSA in your will. The following are examples of how to indicate a general or undesignated gift to YOSA through your will:
Sample Bequest of Remainder of Estate:
“I give, devise, and bequeath to Youth Orchestras of San Antonio, TAX I.D. #74-1926713, all [or state the fraction or percentage] of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal. Youth Orchestras of San Antonio may be contacted at 106 Auditorium Circle, Ste. 130, San Antonio, TX 78205, (210) 737-0097.”
Sample Bequest of Specific Amount:
“I give, devise, and bequeath $_____ to Youth Orchestras of San Antonio, TAX I.D. #74-1926713. Youth Orchestras of San Antonio may be contacted at 106 Auditorium Circle, Ste. 130, San Antonio, TX 78205, (210) 737-0097.”
You should always consult with your attorney before modifying your will. For advice about either planned gifts that benefit YOSA while providing you income (e.g. charitable remainder annuity trusts) or about additional types of estate gifts, please consult with a financial or estate planning professional. If you have questions or would like to discuss planned giving with a YOSA staff member, please contact our Development Director, at (210) 737-0097 x112 or development@yosa.org.
Corporate Partnerships
A partnership with YOSA offers your business a chance to reach a diverse audience and brand yourself alongside the mission of YOSA. Join the group of highly regarded philanthropic organizations that change kids’ lives through music. Contact our Development Director, by email or at (210) 737-0097 x112 to begin your partnership.
YOSA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.